10 week evening course in Tonbridge Kent

Practical Philosophy

from East & West

Courses in practical wisdom for everyday living.

Practical life skills with enough toughness to last a lifetime.

Discover the Wisdom Within

An established Kent School for practical philosophy, mindfulness, teaching, and meditation with over 40 years of experience.

Philosophy aims to set you free. Free from pressures and worries, free from limiting ways of thinking, free to grow and be yourself.
Take your first steps to freedom with our philosophy course.

A Sat Nav for Life: Practical Philosophy & Mindful Living helps you to find direction in life.

Local Course

Local face-to-face evening courses available in Tonbridge Kent.

Peace of Mind

A safe space with experienced & supportive tutors & others looking to philosophy to set them free.

Practical Happiness

Course in Happiness for everyday living. Meet with like minded individuals.

Introductory offer £50

10- week course only £50 (Normally £80). Limited spaces. 

This popular course is practical rather than academic and draws on sources of wisdom from East and West, past and present.

Explore Life To The Full…

This transformational Tonbridge, Kent course offers a practical means to discover fully who we are, understand how to relate to the world we live in and see what gets in the way of being happy, peaceful and free.

Students are invited to see life as a place to test the words of the wise through practical and mindful exercises.

10 weekly sessions

The ten weekly sessions explore central human questions through discussion, practical observation, conversation and reflection in good company.

Self-enquiry through practical philosophy


Themes included in the course…

1. The nature of love..

Three forms of love: Eros, Philia, Agape. Pure love. 

2. The Expression of Love.

Love of life is fundamental to wellbeing but what does it mean?

3. Constancy of love.

Shakespeare, love is an ever-fixed mark. Love is the natural in-between. 

4. The Beloved.- our object of love.

Great debates in the forest on loving the essence. Experience of Viktor Frankl.

5. Causes of conflict.

Circles of love, ideas of other, desire to control. Meeting all as if for the first time.

6. Love and gratitude.

The meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Inner organ of mind.

7. The mystical aspect of love.

Expressions of love from Sufi philosophers.

8. The Stoics of Greece.

Choosing the emotional ground. Words of Epictetus and Phillis Wheatley.

9. Love and work.

Work for the sake of love, duty and reward. 

10. Giving love.

If you want to be loved, then love. Love and wise law.

Themes included in the course:

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken”.

The surprising relationship between happiness and law.

What are we listening to and its effect on happiness?

Are they the same?

Wisdom, self-control, justice, courage.

 Lao Tzu. Respecting the person in front of us. Be here now.

Patanjali and the eightfold path of yoga. Meditation. Ambition.

A practical exercise in attention. Do we enjoy, tolerate or hate our work?

“The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it” – Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor).

How it works

A tutor presents philosophical questions or ideas, and leads a discussion based on what arises in the group. Being practical rather than academic, the emphasis is on personal knowledge and experience. Students are encouraged neither to accept nor reject the ideas put forward, but to test them in practice for themselves, in the light of their own experience.

The Next Tonbridge Introductory Course

Start Dates & Times


How to Enrol

Tonbridge Course: Enrol Here

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(Weald Grammar School, Tonbridge)

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Frequently asked questions

The course is practical in the sense that it takes philosophical ideas and shows how they can be of direct use in our everyday lives. The intention is to stimulate enquiry and through this expand the way we look at the world and ourselves.

Online by clicking ‘Enrol Today’ or email PracticalPhilosophyKent@gmail.com

If you register online, you will receive a confirmation email with your day of attendance. If you register by any means other than online, you will receive a receipt confirming your registration.

Yes, we have a local venue at Maidstone & Tonbridge Kent. There are also many other local venues in other parts of the UK where you can attend the course face-to-face.

No, all you need is an open and enquiring mind. The course is intended for everyone, regardless of education, occupation, race, political or religious belief.

First you need to enrol on a course. The in-person courses are available in Maidstone & Tonbridge Kent and at many other local venues up and down the UK. Local Maidstone & Tonbridge maps can be found on this page.

If you have any questions simply email us PracticalPhilosophyKent@gmail.com

What some of our students say...

philosophy course reviews
“Absolutely loving the course!!"

“Absolutely loving the course!! …Really changing how I think about things and life in general.”

philosophy course reviews
“...I am benefiting greatly ..."

“...I am benefiting greatly from the content and the practical nature of it. Thank you, it is enriching my life.”

philosophy course reviews
“I feel more relaxed...”

“The daily awareness exercises … have changed my thinking and I feel more relaxed about situations in the media and other aspects of my daily life.”

philosophy course reviews
"...helped me..."

"The knowledge and experience that I have gained from the philosophy classes has helped me to discover more about myself and better prepare for dealing with life's daily surprises and challenges."

Course Prospectus: a breakdown of the 10 week course

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P1 Prospectus

*By signing up you agree to receive the prospectus and update emails. See our Privacy Policy.


Many of our students tell us how life transformational our courses are.

So as a way of giving back and making our transformational ‘Introductory 10-week course’ affordable for as many people as possible, we are allowing you to enrol for this ‘FULL 10-week Introductory Course’ for…

…only £50, nothing more to pay!

(The equivalent of £5 per week).

Please note: This offer gives you a risk-free opportunity to experience our transformational courses first-hand. NOTE: Due to this low introductory pricing these introductory courses do tend to get fully enrolled in advance.

Themes included in the Love course (click below):

1. The nature of love..

Three forms of love: Eros, Philia, Agape. Pure love. 

2. The Expression of Love.

Love of life is fundamental to wellbeing but what does it mean?

3. Constancy of love.

Shakespeare, love is an ever-fixed mark. Love is the natural in-between. 

4. The Beloved.- our object of love.

Great debates in the forest on loving the essence. Experience of Viktor Frankl.

5. Causes of conflict.

Circles of love, ideas of other, desire to control. Meeting all as if for the first time.

6. Love and gratitude.

The meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Inner organ of mind.

7. The mystical aspect of love.

Expressions of love from Sufi philosophers.

8. The Stoics of Greece.

Choosing the emotional ground. Words of Epictetus and Phillis Wheatley.

9. Love and work.

Work for the sake of love, duty and reward. 

10. Giving love.

If you want to be loved, then love. Love and wise law.

Tonbridge course location

Humanities Building, Weald of Kent Grammar School, Tudeley Lane TN9 2JP